Onfloor Technologies Blog

How Use a Concrete Angle Grinder

Written by Travis McCutchen | Jun 23, 2021 11:00:00 AM

Did you know that angle grinders can be used to grind, smooth, and level concrete flooring?

Although most flooring contractors would probably consider using a larger grinder, concrete angle grinders have many valuable uses in commercial floor services. 

Concrete angle grinders offer applications that may not be suitable for larger floor grinders. Understanding when and how to use a concrete angle grinder will help take your business to the next level. 

Want to know how to make the best use of a concrete angle grinder for your work? Read the information below to learn more about using a concrete angle grinder.



When to Use a Concrete Angle Grinder

Angle grinders are small tools that can make a big difference, so knowing the best kind of concrete floor grinder for your project is important. 

They are a great tool to use when doing precision work in small or difficult-to-reach areas.

For example, they are useful when grinding around electrical wiring, door frames, and decorative elements because of their size and mobility. 

If you are grinding a large area of concrete, an angle grinder can be a great tool for adding finishing touches.

Their easily portable size also makes them the ideal tool to cut specific sections or pieces of concrete when you need to tidy your flooring job up. 

Do you have an uneven and unsightly concrete floor? Concrete angle grinders are also very useful when leveling concrete floors and surfaces.

You can also use a concrete angle grinder to smooth concrete surfaces that may be bumpy and uneven to add that finishing touch of professionalism. 


How to Use a Concrete Angle Grinder

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2.8 million workplace-related injuries were reported in 2019.

If you don't want to contribute to that statistic, it is important to fully understand how to use an angle grinder for grinding concrete before starting. 


1. Work Safely

To ensure safety for you and others while operating any type of industrial tool, wear proper personal protective equipment.

For using a concrete angle grinder, PPE like a mask that protects your respiratory system, earplugs, gloves, and protective eyewear can help keep you safe and able to work. 

Masks that protect your respiratory system are especially important in projects that grind concrete.

The fine dust that concrete grinding creates is called silica dust and has been linked to health concerns like lung cancer, kidney disease, silicosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 

Another important safety tip is to remain in control of the angle grinder at all times.

At times, machines like angle grinders can recoil, so remember to hold the machine firmly to avoid potentially dangerous accidents. 


2. Use the Right Equipment

Having the right equipment ready before you start working helps ensure that you can work effectively. 

Because concrete is a hard and durable surface, you will need a grinding wheel that will be able to withstand that kind of resistance.

A diamond tool like a diamond cup wheel and a diamond grinding blade is designed to grind hard surfaces like concrete and would work well in this situation.

As the blade rotates, the exposed diamonds on the surface cut through the concrete. 

Equipment like a surface grinding dust shroud and a dust-collecting vacuum is also important to control the amount of dust that grinding concrete produces. Having this equipment will help ensure that your project runs safely and smoothly. 

Knowing how to maintain a dustless job site is a good strategy to manage your safety and how quickly you can provide your client with level and smooth concrete. 


3. Start Working

Once you have addressed your safety equipment and the tools you will need to grind the concrete with the angle grinder, it is time to get to work. 

Prepare the concrete you plan on grinding by clearing it from any loose material and debris, and get your dust shroud and/or vacuum ready. 

Arrange your extension chords and operating chords in a way that will not trip you or hinder your progress.

Thinking through the organization of your chords and other equipment will allow you to focus on grinding the concrete instead of focusing on not tripping or grinding over electrical chords. 

While the power is not yet connected to the angle grinder and the angle grinder is turned off, attach whichever grinding tool you choose to use onto it. Then once the grinding wheel is attached, turn on the power and grind around the outside walls or edges of your workspace. 

Once you smooth and level the perimeter of your area, move inward toward the center of your work area.

After moving inward to the center, you may notice an untouched surface around the edges of your work area. This may happen if you use a dust shroud because it does not allow the angle grinder to touch the wall.

Touch up the remaining rough or missed spots to complete your concrete grinding. 

When you have finished with these steps, you should have a smooth and level concrete surface. Once the concrete is acceptable, you can clean it and proceed with your client's specific request. 



Impress Your Clients

Now that you know when and how to best use a concrete angle grinder, you are ready to provide your clients with a smooth and level concrete surface and a job well done. 

We know that quality of service matters to you. It also matters to us at OnFloor Technologies.

We can supply you with the reliable machines, tools, repair kits, and resources you need to satisfy your clients with a variety of jobs. 

Browse the rest of our website to learn more about how we make floor restoration fast and easy. Contact us today to request a demonstration of our equipment. We look forward to helping you!