Hand Grips are used on a wide variety of products for finishing control surfaces and cushion the user's hands from unnecessary vibrations. On a daily basis, it's easy to forget that these important piece of accessory is a part of a larger piece of equipment but the benefits of them being there are very important. Like on the OnFloor OF16S EZV Sander, they provide a stable and comfortable handlebar ensuring stability and control of your equipment. But then again, these part also wore off and this article will show you how to replace the handle grips on an OnFloor OF16S EZV Sander.
Needed Tools
Safety Glasses, Safety Knife and Rubber Mallet

Replacement Grips and Window Washer or Liquid Soap

Remove the Old Handle Grip
Please be sure that the power cord is unplugged before servicing.
Before we start, please make sure the machine is not plugged into the power source, utilize the lockout tagout procedure and refer to the EZV manual.
Remove the old handle grip by carefully cutting it from the base to the tip with the safety knife, then just peel it off.

Apply Liquid Soap
To make this step easier, apply a small amount of window cleaner or liquid soap to the metal handle first.

Install the New Grips
Twist the handle on and then lightly tap the handle grip down with the rubber mallet.

Repeat with the second handle if needed, and then you're all set.
If you feel that there is something wrong with your equipment and you can't follow through the steps, you can always contact Onfloor so we can help you out.
Now that you know how to replace the timing belts of your OnFloor OF16S EZV Vacuum Sander, you can also check our article about maintaining a dustless job-site while grinding - When polishing a concrete floor or sanding a deck, it's important to try to minimize the dust, especially when the area being polished or grinded has people in it. You can also check our online store and compare products and find what suits you best.
Transcription - How to Replace the HANDLE GRIPS on an Onfloor OF16S EZV Sander
aThis instructional video will show you how to replace the handle grips on an EZV Sander.
To replace the handle grips, you'll need a safety knife, a rubber mallet, replacement handle grips, a small amount of window cleaner or liquid soap, and important, you should wear safety glasses while performing this procedure.
Before we start, please make sure the machine is not plugged into the power source. Utilize the lockout tagout procedure and refer to the EZV manual.
First, remove the old handle grip by carefully cutting it from the base to the tip with the safety knife, then just peel it off.
Then, to make this step easier, apply a small amount of window cleaner or liquid soap to the metal handle first.
Twist the handle on and then lightly tap the handle grip down with the rubber mallet.
Repeat with the second handle if needed, and then you're all set.